On the way to a tobacco and nicotine-free Switzerland

The Swiss Tobacco Prevention Association is the competence center for tobacco prevention in Switzerland. As an umbrella organization for the promotion of non-smoking, it currently has over 50 collective members. AT Switzerland offers its members a broad network of experts and provides specialist knowledge on tobacco control and prevention.

It is committed to a sustainably healthy and smoke-free Switzerland with evidence-based services and the networking of key players, while at the same time offering the population a helping hand in quitting smoking and nicotine withdrawal.

News and blog posts

14.05.2024 News

AT Blog - Nepal's Struggle Against Tobacco's Stranglehold on Health and Economy

The escalating impact of tobacco on the lives and health of the Nepalese is alarming.

from Anjana Lamichhane

15.03.2024 News

The authorities' inexplicable and culpable negligence regarding the millions of illegal disposable electronic cigarettes now on the Swiss market

The Confederation is not enforcing the law.

06.03.2024 News

Women and smoking: the cursed alliance

While the number of male smokers is falling, the number of female smokers continues to rise. However, their health is more severely affected and they find it more difficult to give up cigarettes than their male peers.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and tobacco