On the way to a tobacco and nicotine-free Switzerland
The Swiss Tobacco Prevention Association is the competence center for tobacco prevention in Switzerland. As an umbrella organization for the promotion of non-smoking, it currently has over 50 collective members. AT Switzerland offers its members a broad network of experts and provides specialist knowledge on tobacco control and prevention.
It is committed to a sustainably healthy and smoke-free Switzerland with evidence-based services and the networking of key players, while at the same time offering the population a helping hand in quitting smoking and nicotine withdrawal.
News and blog posts
AT Blog - Alarm over the marketing of 6-methyl nicotine in disposable e-cigarettes
We are alarmed by the appearance of 6-methyl nicotine (6-MN), a new synthetic nicotine now available in Europe, notably in Aroma King products. Will authorities again wait years before taking action while it spreads among young people?
from Luciano Ruggia
Ireland: Compulsory licensing for tobacco products and e-cigarettes
From 2026, Irish retailers will have to acquire a paid licence to sell tobacco and e-cigarettes. This measure aims to limit the availability of these products and reduce the prevalence of smoking. In Switzerland, on the other hand, no national regulation exists, including in the Tobacco Products Act (LPTab) that came into force on 1 October 2024, a fact the Swiss Association for Tobacco Control deplores.
Study: E-cigarettes increase smoking risk fivefold in adolescents
Teenagers aged 12-17 who had used e-cigarettes are five times more likely to start smoking in the future than those who had not.
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and tobacco

Protection from second-hand smoke from your fellow human beings
Die Forderung nach rauchfreien Innenräumen stützt sich ab auf eindeutige Fakten von Gesundheitsschäden, verursacht durch Passivrauchen. Auch in der Schweiz haben wissenschaftliche Forschungen die positiven Folgen eines gesetzlichen Schutzes vor Passivrauchen für die Gesundheit nachgewiesen.
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