Become a member

The Swiss Association for Tobacco Control is the national umbrella organization of health organizations active in tobacco prevention in Switzerland as well as the national competence center for the promotion of non-smoking.

Join us in advocating for....
- conditions in Switzerland that enable the population to live a life without addiction to tobacco and nicotine products and free from the harmful consequences of consuming these products.
- AT Switzerland to be a broadly based center of competence and national umbrella organization fully committed to strengthening tobacco control.

Individual membership

Register directly here and become an individual member. With an annual contribution of CHF 100, you become part of the national network for the promotion of non-smoking. You will benefit from regular information, and receive invitations to our events and many other advantages.

Your advantages

  • receive regular news and updates from our network with our AT-Newsletter
  • you will receive our documents before their official publication
  • Annual invitation to our general meeting
  • reduced participation fee for our events (e.g. AT conference)
  • you will receive our daily Swiss press review on the subject of tobacco
  • Become part of a broad network (Slack access) to promote non-smoking and public health in Switzerland
  • Advertisements: Take advantage of the opportunity to share information free of charge in the AT Switzerland Slack network
  • Scientific support: Are you looking for a scientific document or a detailed bibliography on the subject of tobacco or nicotine? AT offers you scientific support for this.

To apply for membership of the Swiss Association for Tobacco Control, please complete the form below and return it to us with the required supporting documents.


Required supporting documentation:

  • this membership application form and the attached declaration of interests duly completed and signed.
  • a brief letter of motivation and a short CV
  • a copy of proof of entitlement to the reduced fee (student card or disability insurance card, N permit, proof of unemployment benefits, etc.).

Submit your application

The completed membership application may be submitted in any of the following ways:

  • by scan to
  • by mail to: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Tabakprävention Schweiz, Haslerstrasse 30, 3008 Bern

Art. 3 Acquisition

The condition for becoming a member is to support the objectives of tobacco control and smoking prevention. Persons who work for tobacco and nicotine manufacturers, processors, traders and vendors (e.g. employees, board members or subsidiaries), who are materially supported by them (e.g. through orders) or who share another economic interest with them (e.g. shareholding) may not become members.

There are two categories of members:

  • active members
  • associate members

Active members of the association may be authorities, legal entities and other communities of individuals.

Associate members of the working community may be natural persons.

Only active members have the right to vote at the Delegates' Meeting.

Associate members have the right to submit proposals to the Board.

Art. 4 Resignation and exclusion

The Committee is free to decide on the admission and exclusion of members, without having to give reasons.

A member may resign from the Association by giving three months' written notice to the Association by the end of a calendar year.

Art. 10 Membership fee

The annual fee for active members is a maximum of CHF 1,000.

Associate members pay a maximum annual fee of CHF 100.

Associate members from the following groups pay half the membership fee: young people up to the age of 18; students up to the age of 26; unemployed people; people in difficult financial situations; asylum seekers; etc.).
