Ending Tobacco Farming Could Free Over 4 Million Hectares Across 120 Countries

Many forget that tobacco plays a crucial role in tackling climate change and the future of agriculture and food security. Currently, tobacco is grown in over 125 countries as a cash crop, over an estimated area of 4 million hectares.


Reducing tobacco production would collaterally free up such land for more diverse crop farming, providing higher food securities in countries where tobacco is favoured over food crops. In India for example, economically viable alternative crops to tobacco have emerged in the form of mixed cropping of hybrid cotton, chilli, groundnut, and French beans.

It’s clear that ending tobacco as a cash crop cannot happen overnight. Some countries such as Mozambique and Sri Lanka have thus implemented some nation-wide exit strategies to limit or ban tobacco production. More countries should incentivize farmers and promote economically viable alternatives to tobacco production.

More information: https://bit.ly/2Una7VZ

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