“New" Tobacco Products: Developments and Consequences

In a new article in the Schweizerische Ärztezeitung (SÄZ), Luciano Ruggia, Managing Director of AT Switzerland, sheds light on the variety of new tobacco and nicotine products and their consequences for young people and public health in Switzerland.

They are small, easily available and enjoying increasing popularity: new nicotine and tobacco products such as e-cigarettes (ENDS) or Heated Tobacco Products (HTP). They have one goal: to conquer the market and, in addition to bringing in massive profits, turn minors into nicotine addicts.

In this article, we show what the emergence of these products means for the market, what variety of products exists and why they enjoy great popularity, especially among young people.

For questions, please contact:

Luciano Ruggia

Director AT Schweiz


+41 31 599 10 21

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