2023 Swiss Women’s Run Bern: AT Switzerland offers free starts!

We are very pleased that AT Switzerland has been chosen as a charity partner for this year's Swiss Women's Run, which will take place on 11 June 2023 in Bern! We invite all members to participate and offer a limited number of free starts.


Picture: AT Switzerland (Ambroise Héritier)

People from our member organisations who are interested can register at info@at-schweiz.ch. You will then receive a code that will allow you to register for the Women's Run for free. The number of free starts is limited. First come - first served!

"A race for women, a party for all" is the motto of the Swiss Women's Race Bern, the largest public sporting event for women in Switzerland – with up to 14,000 participants and 30,000 spectators each year. The idyllic route in the heart of Bern, along the Aare, offers five different course lengths.

In Switzerland, 30.6% of women between the ages of 25 and 34 smoke, a figure that hasn’t changed for years. Smoking therefore represents the greatest avoidable health risk: in recent years, we’ve seen a worrying increase in the number of lung and breast cancers in women. AT Switzerland is therefore committed to strengthening structural prevention and smoking cessation in Switzerland. In addition to women with low socio-economic status, our focus is on protecting pregnant women and their babies from passive smoking.

We call on the participants in this year's Swiss Women's Run to contribute in this way to strengthening smoking prevention and women's health, as well as supporting AT Switzerland in its fight against tobacco consumption.

AT Switzerland’s presence at the Women's Race!

AT Switzerland will be present at the race with a creative stand near the Federal Square in Bern’s city center, the start and finish point of the event. We are also organizing groups to run under the banner of AT Switzerland, and registrations for the race will be provided for free. We are in the process of organizing our participation and more news will follow.

Deadline for individual registrations: 28.05.2023

Deadline for school classes and groups: 21.05.2023

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